Showing posts with label Food Diet oneborneveryminute baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food Diet oneborneveryminute baby. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Is back on the wagon (Food Rant)

How come every time you start a new diet (quite often with me!) that you start fantasising about food ALL the bloody time! It's driving me crazy! It's just because i can't have it, that i want it! I'm not following any specific plan or diet, just eating healthy stuff more but i want chocolate, and a crisp sandwich and chips and pizza and KFC and ARRRGGHHHH everytime i'm not allowed, is that where i am going wrong? banishing all the naughty foods? maybe i should allow myself some treats or maybe the cravings will subside after a while.

I'm putting a motivation picture on to keep me going...

From this...(not actually me!)

To this...(Yeah in my dreams!)

On a brighter not...just sat watching one born every minute, can safely say i won't be having any babies anytime soon!!!!!!! OUCH!
