Tuesday, 13 August 2013

So I'm back and on a mission

I'm tentatively poking my head back around the proverbial door and saying hello, I've well and truly fell off the blogging wagon but I'm back. 

So a lot as happened since I last checked in, most importantly is I have come back with a plus one...I've had a baby :) meet Carys Dee, my 6 month old minion. She is my absolute world! Literally, I'm on maternity leave so I don't do much else! 

My days are now filled with sloppy kisses, tantrums and baby groups. Couldn't be much further from my life before, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

Other news is I have 5 new brothers and sisters, my folks have adopted a sibling set and they are now thrust into our mad and bizarre family. I really am cheaper by the dozen, but that's a different story. 

I'm wanting to change the aspect of this blog slightly, I want to document my weight loss journey as that is an important part of my life right now. I recently joined slimming world, so will be posting recipes and meal plans as well as pictures of moi. 

Hope you are all well, and I will be catching up on blogs I have missed reading. 

Bye bye for now 

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